
ACLU Fights for Suspected Terrorist in Minnesota to Get License to Drive School Bus

20141022_amir_meshal_53-700x470The ACLU is doing its damnedest to help a suspected terrorist get his license to drive a school bus.  Minnesota resident and suspected terrorist Amir Meshal went through a training class to drive tractor trailers and now wants the added tag that will allow him to drive a bus, either school or city.

Meshal is on the no fly list because of his suspected terrorism ties.  The ACLU sued the federal government to get him off the list but the government refused.

One has to ask one’s self how someone on the no fly list because he is a threat to “aviation and national security” could be allowed to get his CDL license.  The state claims they had no way to stop him, but that is a lie.

Know why?  Because Minnesota paid the $4,000 for his training course.  He’s unemployed, so he could be collecting state and federal benefits, just like the Boston Marathon bombers.

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