
WH and Dems creating unforced parallels between Benghazi and Bergdahl

Bergdhal BenghaziExcept in the most tangential sense — both “Benghazi” and “Bergdahl” begin with the letter pair — there is little to connect the White House’s scandalous reaction (and preaction) to the terrorist storming of the U.S. consulate in Bengahzi and its scandalous exchange of five Taliban chiefs for an Army soldier who by all accounts deserted his unit. So why are the administration and top Democrats seeking to connect the two in the minds of Americans?

You don’t think they are? Ask yourself what crossed your mind when you saw National Security Advisor Susan Rice on a Sunday news show the day after the Rose Garden announcement to assure Americans that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl served his country with “honor and distinction”? Did you not experience déjà-vu all over again? Were you not spirited back to her inglorious performance the Sunday after the Benghazi raid when she appeared on five (count ‘em, 5) news programs to perpetuate the White House myth that the attacks were a spontaneous mob reaction?

Another memorable moment in the administration song and dance following its mishandling of the assault occurred during the testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. When pressed by a Republican member to explain the false narrative put out by Rice and the White House, and exasperated Clinton shot back:

The fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night one decided they’d kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? [Emphasis added]

Clinton, who now has her sights on a run for the presidency, has sought to distance herself from her own unfortunate question. She must be having, fits, therefore over its recurrence yesterday in relation to the Bergdahl snafu. That same rhetorical question was asked by curmudgeony Senate Majority Harry Reid during a press conference on when Congress learned of the plan to swap five Taliban bigwigs and the sergeant. (Video here.)

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